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ITS.Propagation.LFMF 1.1
Part of the NTIA/ITS Propagation Library
▼ app | |
▼ include | |
CommaSeparatedIterator.h | Iterator class for reading comma-delimited input text streams |
Driver.h | Interface header for this driver executable |
ReturnCodes.h | Defines return codes for the driver |
Structs.h | Contains data structures and type macros used by this software |
▼ src | |
CommaSeparatedIterator.cpp | Implementation of class to read comma-delimited input text streams |
Driver.cpp | Implements the main function of the executable, and other high-level functions |
DriverUtils.cpp | Implements various model-agnostic utility functions for the driver |
LFMFModel.cpp | Implements top-level functions for running the LF/MF Propagation Model |
ReturnCodes.cpp | Maps status message strings to driver return codes |
▼ include | |
LFMF.h | Interface header for this library |
▼ src | |
Airy.cpp | Implements a function to calculate Airy functions and their derivatives |
FlatEarthCurveCorrection.cpp | Calculates the groundwave using the flat Earth approximation with curvature correction |
LFMF.cpp | Implements the model from ITS.Propagation.LFMF |
ResidueSeries.cpp | Implements a function to calculate the ground wave field strength |
ReturnCodes.cpp | Maps status messages to library return codes |
ValidateInputs.cpp | Implements functions to validate LFMF model inputs are in range |
WiRoot.cpp | Implements a function to find roots of equations involving Airy functions |
wofz.cpp | Implements a function to calculate the Faddeeva function \( W(z) \) |