ITU-R P.2108 – C++

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This page details the installation and usage of the C++ version of the U.S. Reference Implementation of Recommendation ITU-R P.2108.

The home page for this model contains language-agnostic background and usage information for the routines implemented by this software, and provides links to additional documentation for implementations in other programming languages.

Model Home


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To use the C++ library in your code, you’ll need to download the dynamic library (.dll on Windows, .dylib on macOS, or .so on Linux) and the header file. These are distributed for each platform as part of the GitHub Releases starting with v1.0. Prior to v1.0, support was only provided for Windows platforms.

To use the dynamic library in your project, you’ll need to link against it. The details for this process differ depending on your compiler and/or IDE, but generally you will need to somehow provide the path to the files you downloaded from the GitHub release.

Once you’ve linked the dynamic library to your project, all you need to do is include the appropriate header file and, optionally, use its namespace:

#include "P2108.h"

using namespace ITS::ITU::PSeries:P2108;  // Optional: makes later code more concise

This library has no external C++ dependencies.


All functions and/or objects provided by this C++ library are documented using Doxygen. These auto-generated documentation pages constitute an API reference which documents any available functions, classes, structs, etc. For functions, the documentation details the input, output, and return types and describes all parameters. Visit the C++ API reference documentation site using the button below.



The following code examples show how each of the three models from Recommendation ITU-R P.2108 can be called from Python.

Height Gain Terminal Correction Model

#include "P2108.h"
using namespace ITS::ITU::PSeries;

int main() {
    // Define inputs
    double f__ghz = 1;                       // Frequency, in GHz
    double h__meter = 1.5;                   // Antenna height, in meters
    double w_s__meter = 27;                  // Street width, in meters
    double R__meter = 20;                    // Representative clutter height, in meters
    P2108::ClutterType clutter_type = DENSE_URBAN;  // Clutter type, enum

    // Create variables to store outputs
    double A_h__db;  // Predicted additional loss, in dB
    int rtn;         // Return code

    // Call height gain terminal correction model (P.2108 Section 3.1)
    rtn = P2108::HeightGainTerminalCorrectionModel(f__ghz, h__meter, w_s__meter, R__meter, clutter_type, &A_h__db);

    // rtn is 0 (SUCCESS)
    // A_h__dB is approx. 8.8 dB

Terrestrial Statistical Model

#include "P2108.h"
using namespace ITS::ITU::PSeries;

int main() {
    // Define inputs
    double f__ghz = 3;   // Frequency, in GHz
    double d__km = 0.5;  // Path distance, in km
    double p = 50;       // Percentage of locations, in %

    // Create variables to store outputs
    double L_ctt__db;  // Predicted additional loss, in dB
    int rtn;           // Return code

    // Call terrestrial statistical model (P.2108 Section 3.2)
    rtn = P2108::TerrestrialStatisticalModel(f__ghz, d__km, p, &L_ctt__db);

    // rtn is 0 (SUCCESS)
    // L_ctt__db is approx. 26.1 dB

Aeronautical Statistical Model

#include "P2108.h"
using namespace ITS::ITU::PSeries;

int main() {
    // Define inputs
    double f__ghz = 15;      // Frequency, in GHz
    double theta__deg = 10;  // Elevation angle, in degrees
    double p = 50;           // Percentage of locations, in %

    // Create variables to store outputs
    double L_ces__db;  // Predicted additional loss, in dB
    int rtn;           // Return code

    // Call aeronautical statistical model (P.2108 Section 3.3)
    rtn = P2108::AeronauticalStatisticalModel(f__ghz, theta__deg, p, &L_ces__db);

    // rtn is 0 (SUCCESS)
    // L_ces__db is approx. 14.3 dB