ITS.ITU.PSeries.P2108 1.1
Part of the NTIA/ITS Propagation Library
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CommaSeparatedIterator.hIterator class for reading comma-delimited input text streams
 Driver.hInterface header for this driver executable
 ReturnCodes.hDefines return codes for the driver
 Structs.hContains data structures and type macros used by this software
 AeronauticalStatisticalModel.cppImplements top-level functions for running the Aeronautical Statistical Model
 CommaSeparatedIterator.cppImplementation of class to read comma-delimited input text streams
 Driver.cppImplements the main function of the executable, and other high-level functions
 DriverUtils.cppImplements various model-agnostic utility functions for the driver
 HeightGainTerminalCorrectionModel.cppImplements functions for running the Height Gain Terminal Correction Model
 Reporting.cppImplements utility functions for printing driver results
 ReturnCodes.cppMaps status message strings to driver return codes
 TerrestrialStatisticalModel.cppImplements top-level functions for running the Terrestrial Statistical Model
 P2108.hInterface header for this library
 AeronauticalStatisticalModel.cppImplements the model from ITU-R P.2108 Section 3.3
 HeightGainTerminalCorrectionModel.cppImplements the model from ITU-R P.2108 Section 3.1
 InverseComplementaryCumulativeDistribution.cppImplements a function to calculate the inverse CCDF
 ReturnCodes.cppMaps status messages to library return codes
 TerrestrialStatisticalModel.cppImplements the model from ITU-R P.2108 Section 3.2
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