ITS.ITU.PSeries.P2108 1.1
Part of the NTIA/ITS Propagation Library
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CASMInputKeysKey names for Aeronautical Statistical Model input file parameters
 CASMParamsInput parameters for the Aeronautical Statistical Model
 CCommaSeparatedIteratorAn iterator that reads lines from an input stream, splitting each line into two strings based on a comma delimiter
 CDrvrParamsParameters provided to the command line driver
 CHGTCMInputKeysKey names for Height Gain Terminal Correction Model input file parameters
 CHGTCMParamsInput parameters for the Height Gain Terminal Correction Model
 CTSMInputKeysKey names for Terrestrial Statistical Model input file parameters
 CTSMParamsInput parameters for the Terrestrial Statistical Model
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